
center for disease
Center for Disease ( is your online source for credible health information and is the official Web site of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). CDC is committed to achieving true improvements in people’s health. CDC applies research and findings to improve people’s daily lives and responds to health emergencies—something that distinguishes CDC from its peer agencies. Working with states…

traveling with children
Traveling with Children

Traveling with children requires special planning and preparation, especially when travelling abroad. There are many things parents should consider when traveling with children of any age. Visit the CDC™ Traveling with Children page for helpful resources on travel including: Safe food and water precautions, diarrhea management and insect protection when traveling abroad Modifying the immunization schedule Traveling while pregnant Travel…

car seat recommendations
Car Seat Recommendations

As a parent, it is your job to protect your child when riding in a vehicle. Using car seats properly helps keep children safe. But with so many different types of car seats on the market, understanding how to use them correctly can be overwhelming for parents. Visit the AAP™ Car Seat Safety Information page for guidance on choosing the…

product recalls
Product Recalls

Child products, such as cribs and toys are often recalled due to a defect or hazard. It’s important to pay close attention to recalled consumer goods to protect your child from dangerous items. Visit this site frequently to ensure that the products your child is using have not been recalled by their manufacturer or the federal government: Consumer Product Safety
